Tracy's journey after Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric Bypass Surgery July 30th 2014

Climbing the biggest mountain of my life.

Good evening everybody. I have been slipping with my blogging. However I am back on my grind. I have a son that is graduating from high school and will be attending college….plus I am making and selling desserts with sugar and with low fat sugar free dessert to help pay my bills. Plus I love trying out new recipes and watching someone fall in love with my cakes or whatever desert it is. I have a page on Facebook called Covered in Sugar and Flour. Check it out…. If you know of any good low fat proteins recipes please share them with me. I know you are looking at your screen saying no wonder gain weight…..naw…that’s wasn’t the problem, I got lazy and wasn’t exercising and started sliding eating unhealthy foods. One thing that has helped me refrain from eating any dessert …it the sugar causes a nasty after taste that takes days to leave. I hate that taste so bad. That’s one of the best side effects from gastric bypass surgery. So as you can tell time is not on my side…I am one busy lady.

Nevertheless I am at a major turning point in my weight loss. I am embarking on my 4 year mark since I had my surgery and I have gained about 15 pounds back and that scared the living crap out of me. I refuse to go back to the fat Tracy. So far I have drop 5 pounds because I am going to the gym at least 3 to 4 days a week and watching everything I put in my mouth. I am the light and I controls what goes in my mouth at all times.

You know It is the time of year where everybody realize how out of shape they are because the weather is getting warmer so the gym are packed. But I am not there to people watch I am there to lose weight. I remember when I had this surgery I was dropping pounds left and right. Now it is hard as heck just to lose five pounds. When you are at a stand still it can make you so dang depressed. I wished I had listen to my sister and went even harder when I first had the surgery…then I may be at my weight goal of 165.

If you are a newbie and has just had the surgery go hard because the weight falls off so effortless. When you get to that 2 year Mark it really show downs.

Nevertheless keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I continue to fight this never ending dang battle.

Peace, love and happiness!

Be blessed Tracy

9 responses to “Climbing the biggest mountain of my life.”

  1. I’m so glad to hear that you’ve found a side gig baking that is doing so well!! I love that idea and wish I could do something like that myself. My first true love was baking – and still is – when I have time to experiment. I’ll have to check out your FB page. 🙂 🙂 🙂

    And I hear ya about it being depressing when it’s SO HARD to lose even 5 pounds when 10x that fell off in the early post-op days. The scale just doesn’t seem to want to budge. My eating some junk here and there isn’t helping either, I know!

    Glad to hear that you’re still doing SO well though at the 4 year mark – gives me hope!!!! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks!! If only I knew what I knew when I first started. Things would be so different.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Your beautiful words just made my day. Thank you so much for adding such magical drop of words in my jar of motivation.I feel blessed by your writing right now.
    I found delight love in what you just said in your post.
    Again such a beautiful write up on your blog.
    Keep the vibes on.

    Peace ✌and Love ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Thanks    for accepting and following my blog.

    I’m available to read your post at my convenient time.

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    your blog.

    I still remain  the simple blogger…..

    Peace ✌and Love ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  4. That’s for the newbie advice! In about a month I’m having surgery. Im hoping for good long term results and I completely understand not wanting to go back to your old fat self


    1. You can do it!! Stay focus and make the best of it the first year…it is when you can lose the most weight! Go hard.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thanks!!!! It’s a huge change from before but I’m excited to get insurance approval and schedule my date!!! Hoping before summers out!

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Wow! You really inspired me! I am on the same way, still a lot ahead of me. But I feel so much powerful now


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