Tracy's journey after Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric Bypass Surgery July 30th 2014

Dealing with my hip replacement limitations

Hello beautiful people!  As you all know I have discussed having my left hop replaced last November in 2016.  I have had problems with my hip for years and needed a hip replacement.  However no doctor would perform the surgery because my BMI was over 51 and at that time I weighed around 340 pounds.  I had my gastric bypass surgery in 2014 and waited about a year and half later to have my hip replacement surgery.

When the pain started worsen I knew it was finally time to get the left one replaced.  However, I have seconded  guess myself at times.  For whatever reason..I had this little image in my mind that they would just take the old hip out and replace with some kind of foreign material that would perform the same duties as my regular hip bone.  Wrong, oh man I was so wrong.  What they actually did was used an ax to severe my hip bone from the other bone.  Cut and remove the head of my thigh bone.  Then they cleaned out my hip socket and remove the rest of the cartilage, the damaged arthritic bone with the cyst that covered over 50% of my hip bone.  (That’s why my doctors wanted me to use a walker.  They were scared I was going to fall and break my really thin hip.)  Then the doctor put the new hip socket in place, a liner is then placed in the new socket.   Then they did something that I failed to hear or I was sleepy….. Heck I don’t know…. All I know is I didn’t know they was going to inserted medal stem into my thigh bone. I just know I miss that little but of information.  They placed the correct-sized ball for the new hip and secure all the new parts. They repair the muscles and tendons around the new joint and close me up.  Fast forward…. To now.  

One thing I assumed was I would be able to cut and paint, clean my left feet with out passing out from pain.  Wrong..I still can’t reach that bad boy.  My son is the one who helps me paint and cut my toenails on my left foot.  Here the thing he hasn’t cut them in months just painted them for me. Well it was time to paint then again so he told me, “Ma your nails are to long I need to cut them.”  As soon as he started… He was hollering “Oh my God” they are too long, they are curving, Ma you can’t reach them at all,  DUCK, they are thick!” He cut trimmed, remove nail polish and repaint.  I love my baby because he didn’t have to do it.  He did tell me I needed to start going to get feet done on a regular basis because he will not be here forever.  I paid him because he didn’t have to do it.

Nevertheless I am going to contact my orthopedic doctor to get a referral to start a physical therapy program because I want to be able to reach my left feet.  Don’t get me wrong….I can walk without worrying about numbing and pain.  I just can’t reach my left foot. 

Love, peace and happiness!


6 responses to “Dealing with my hip replacement limitations”

  1. Pedicures are wonderful, you know! A treat for the feet and the soul! Pamper yourself … incidentally, Tracy, you continue to be an inspiration to this ol’girl as I watch your journey. Gotta get my own a$$ back on the back-on-track-train! Hugs to you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks lady! I try to inspire and encourage everyone!! Hugs to you also.


  2. Oh my gosh, I know this is seriois but I was cracking up envisioning your son going AIGHHHHH THEY’RE TOO LONG TO CUT!!!! Lol 😂😂😂

    You’ve got an amazing son! I hope your surgeon can help you increase your flexibility without all that pain so you can beautify those toes all on your own.

    Hugs to you. I know it sucks to be dealing with hip pain.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was laughing with him because it was so funny. I hope the doctor can help also…I have never been one who can do the split but I would love to come close. Lol


  3. Nicole Stevenson Avatar
    Nicole Stevenson

    Shanaynay toe nails flying everywhere lol 😂
    you so silly i was cracking up. I love reading your post hopefully your hip will get better sis praying. Martin Martin

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lol!! I know right… When he said duck that image was in my head!


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